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Camaraderie. Sense of Purpose. Mentorship. Teamwork. Community.



Over the years, adaptive sports and physical activity has become more prominent in supporting individuals with disabilities. Veterans with a disability tend to have unique situations while living with a disability because of the demands of being in service. While reviewing existing research has shown that adaptive sports and physical activity impact veterans who have a disability in multiple different facets. Three key themes were found in the study: the physical, psychological, and social benefits, the impact of community engagement, and the access veterans have to programs and the conditions within the program. The purpose of this synthesis project was to review the literature on the impact adaptive sports and physical activity have on veterans with physical disabilities.

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Come try this fast-paced, fun sport of sled hockey!

Board Members

Derek Hogan: Administrator/ Coordinator/ Budget

Ruebin Long: President

Lenny Wood: Vice-President/ Coach

Jamie Baker: Board Member

Allen Charlton: Board Member

David Wolter: Board Member

Larry Wood: Board Member/ Grants

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